Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Catching up on life

There is no such thing !!! "Catching up or caught up" that is. What the heck would you do even if you were caught up? Take the rest of life 0ff?, never start another project ( said no one) ~ let's face it, the correct understanding of caught up is, I got a couple more things done today and  tomorrow the list starts again. I've "finally" come to the realization it's okay if it all doesn't get done today, it's okay !! and i don't beat myself up when at the end of the day I can't cross it off my lest. Don't get me wrong I still push the peddle to the metal trying to get as much done each day as possible but I no longer go to bed frustrated over the things that I didn't get done, like a blog post!! 😝
 I haven't blogged in 6 months why? not sure plenty to blog about just fell off the blog bicycle but I'm trying to get back on it ~ so here's my catch up blog, a readers digest post. 
Went to Moscow Idaho  to see my cute niece with my sister ~ Fun times~
Did a little up the coast with the hubby ~ to relax after the stressful holidays ~
Started a joint adventure with a sweet friend called  ~" Urban Farm girls"~ trying to bring back a little bit of old fashion fun back into our daily life and routine ~ with some homemade favorites and Sharing with friends through Trunk Shows and if we can get "caught up" 😝 
another blog !!! Yikes !! Lol 
One  trunk shoe successfully done!
Sharing Second mile Haiti's story and jewelry ~ This was laid on my heart by the Lord~ so I'm just obeying 💙❤️
Started a business with the Mr, making Farm tables ~ Custom to order ~ called Hands to Home ~ loving it!! This is one of our 12fters we delivered to a beautiful family up north. 
           Doing a little hiking, I'm
Slow ,my one knee hurts but I go!! 
I just keep moving and of course I'm in the studio as much as my day will allow ~ 
So you can always see the newest designs on Instagram and Facebook and if I'm really caught up new listings on Etsy 
( you can Always buy off of Instagram and Facebookif item is not listed. )
   O and one more birthday " in the books" as my brother would say ~ life is good, busy and blessed ~So there ya go we are caught up !!!   For now!! 
   PEACE ~ Kathy jo 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really enjoy your life and why not, life should be spend in full joy. Thanks for sharing such posts with us and will be looking forward to see few more posts with us
